Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design

By rulyotano-admin, 7 October, 2024
Clean Architecture

Source: Chat-Gpt ChatGPT

Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) is a comprehensive guide on building maintainable, scalable, and flexible software systems. The book presents a set of architectural principles and patterns that help software developers design robust systems that are easy to adapt and evolve over time. It focuses on creating a strong separation of concerns and ensuring that core business logic remains independent from external factors like frameworks, databases, or user interfaces.

Key Principles and Concepts:

  1. Architecture as a Set of Boundaries:
    • The book emphasizes that the primary goal of software architecture is to create boundaries between different parts of the system. This ensures that changes in one area don’t ripple through the entire codebase, making the system easier to modify and scale.
    • The core business logic should be isolated from details like frameworks, databases, and UI, so that those parts can change independently.
  2. The Importance of Use Cases:
    • Martin stresses the need to focus on use cases (the core business rules) as the primary concern of software architecture. Everything else—databases, frameworks, interfaces—is secondary and should be interchangeable without affecting the core logic.
    • Clean architecture ensures that use cases remain stable over time, while other details (like how data is stored or retrieved) can change easily.
  3. The Dependency Rule:
    • The book outlines the "Dependency Rule," which states that dependencies should always point inwards towards the core of the system. This means that inner layers should not know about or depend on outer layers, which include things like UI frameworks, databases, or external libraries.
    • This is key to achieving independence between business logic and infrastructure details.
  4. The Layers of Clean Architecture:
    • Entities: The innermost layer, representing core business objects and logic. This layer should be independent of any external frameworks or libraries.
    • Use Cases: Contains application-specific business rules. It orchestrates interactions between entities but remains independent of implementation details.
    • Interface Adapters: Converts data from the format most convenient for use cases and entities to the format required by the outer layers, like databases or UI.
    • Frameworks and Drivers (External Parts): The outermost layer, where you find UI, databases, web frameworks, or any third-party APIs. These components are the least important and should be easily replaceable without affecting core business logic.
  5. SOLID Principles:
    • Martin revisits the SOLID principles, emphasizing their role in maintaining clean architecture:
      • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): A class or module should have one, and only one, reason to change.
      • Open/Closed Principle (OCP): Systems should be open for extension but closed for modification, ensuring flexibility without rewriting core logic.
      • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP): Objects should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of the program.
      • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP): Clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces they do not use.
      • Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP): High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, but both should depend on abstractions.
  6. Separation of Concerns:
    • A key aspect of clean architecture is keeping different concerns (e.g., business logic, UI, database) separated from one another. This avoids a tightly coupled system where changes in one area have unintended effects on other parts.
    • By isolating concerns, it becomes easier to develop, maintain, and extend applications without introducing bugs or complexity.
  7. Independence from Frameworks:
    • The book argues that frameworks should be seen as tools rather than foundations. Developers should avoid making the core system dependent on a particular framework or tool to prevent future technical debt.
    • Frameworks should only be applied at the boundaries of the system, meaning the core business logic remains independent and unaffected by changes in external libraries.
  8. Testability:
    • Clean architecture promotes highly testable code by isolating business rules and reducing dependencies on external factors like databases or user interfaces.
    • Testing becomes easier because the core logic can be tested without involving infrastructure components, allowing for faster and more reliable tests.
  9. Component Boundaries and Design:
    • Martin discusses how to design systems with clear component boundaries, where each component has a single responsibility.
    • By breaking systems into smaller, independent parts, developers can improve maintainability and scalability, making it easier to introduce new features or handle increased system loads.
  10. Architecture in Practice:
  • Martin emphasizes that every system will eventually face change. The best architectures are those that allow for easy modification and extension. He suggests making architecture decisions that facilitate long-term flexibility rather than relying on short-term solutions.


Clean Architecture is a guide for developers and architects aiming to build systems that can withstand the test of time and changing requirements. It offers practical advice for creating systems where business logic is decoupled from details like frameworks, databases, or UIs, ensuring flexibility, testability, and maintainability. The emphasis on boundaries, separation of concerns, and SOLID principles equips developers with tools to build robust software that can adapt to inevitable change.

This book is essential for software professionals seeking to master the art of designing systems that remain clean, flexible, and scalable in the long term.
