Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

By rulyotano-admin, 11 October, 2024

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Catalog of Refactoring


Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, written by Martin Fowler, is a highly regarded book in the field of software development. It introduces the concept of refactoring, which is the process of restructuring existing code without changing its external behavior to improve its readability, maintainability, and performance. Here’s a brief summary of the book’s main points:

1. Understanding Refactoring

  • Fowler defines refactoring as a disciplined technique for restructuring existing code without changing its observable behavior. The goal is to make the code more maintainable, readable, and adaptable to future requirements.
  • Refactoring is incremental, involving small, manageable changes. This minimizes risks and allows for gradual improvement over time.

2. The Purpose and Benefits of Refactoring

  • As code is modified over time, it tends to accumulate "technical debt"—problems that arise when changes are made quickly or without proper planning.
  • Refactoring helps reduce technical debt, making the codebase easier to understand and work with.
  • Key benefits include:
    • Improved readability: Well-refactored code is easier for both the original developer and others to understand.
    • Enhanced maintainability: Clean, well-structured code is easier to modify and update, reducing the risk of introducing bugs.
    • Improved performance: Though not always the primary goal, refactoring can sometimes lead to more efficient code.
    • Ease of extension: Well-structured code can be extended with new features more easily and with less risk.

3. Code Smells: Identifying Refactoring Opportunities

  • Fowler introduces code smells, which are indicators that code needs refactoring. Recognizing these patterns helps developers pinpoint areas of the code that could benefit from improvement.

Here’s an expanded list of common code smells:

1. Duplicated Code

  • Problem: The same or similar code appears in multiple places, which can lead to inconsistencies and higher maintenance costs.
  • Solution: Extract the common code into a single method or class.

2. Long Method

  • Problem: Methods that contain too much code, making them difficult to understand.
  • Solution: Break the method into smaller, more focused methods (e.g., using Extract Method).

3. Large Class

  • Problem: Classes that have too many responsibilities or are handling too many tasks.
  • Solution: Break the class into smaller, more specialized classes (e.g., Extract Class).

4. Long Parameter List

  • Problem: Methods with too many parameters, which can make the code difficult to read and understand.
  • Solution: Group related parameters into a single object (e.g., Introduce Parameter Object).

5. Divergent Change

  • Problem: A class that frequently changes for multiple reasons, indicating it might be handling too many responsibilities.
  • Solution: Split the class into smaller classes, each with a more focused responsibility (e.g., Extract Class).

6. Shotgun Surgery

  • Problem: A single change impacts multiple classes, indicating poor encapsulation.
  • Solution: Consolidate the code in a single class, so changes are localized.

7. Feature Envy

  • Problem: A method in one class is more interested in the data of another class.
  • Solution: Move the method to the class it is most interested in (e.g., Move Method).

8. Data Clumps

  • Problem: Groups of data that frequently appear together in multiple places, suggesting they should be encapsulated.
  • Solution: Encapsulate these data items into a single class or data structure.

9. Primitive Obsession

  • Problem: Over-reliance on primitive types (e.g., strings, integers) instead of more meaningful data structures.
  • Solution: Replace primitives with small classes that encapsulate the specific data and provide related methods.

10. Switch Statements (Conditional Complexity)

  • Problem: Complex conditional logic or multiple switch statements that may lead to duplicated code.
  • Solution: Use polymorphism, encapsulating each condition into its own class.

11. Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies

  • Problem: The need to create corresponding subclasses in multiple hierarchies simultaneously.
  • Solution: Redesign the classes to eliminate the parallel hierarchy.

12. Lazy Class

  • Problem: Classes that don’t do enough to justify their existence, usually after refactoring has moved functionality elsewhere.
  • Solution: Inline the class into its parent class or remove it entirely.

13. Speculative Generality

  • Problem: Code that includes generalizations not currently needed but added just in case they might be useful.
  • Solution: Remove these unnecessary generalizations to simplify the code.

14. Temporary Field

  • Problem: Fields that are only used occasionally, adding unnecessary complexity to the class.
  • Solution: Move these fields to methods or classes where they are relevant or introduce an appropriate pattern to manage them.

15. Message Chains

  • Problem: A chain of method calls that navigate through several objects to get data or functionality.
  • Solution: Use a Hide Delegate refactoring to encapsulate the chain of calls, making it easier to maintain.

16. Middle Man

  • Problem: A class that delegates too many responsibilities to other classes, serving only as a pass-through.
  • Solution: Remove the middleman by having clients communicate directly with the real class.

17. Inappropriate Intimacy

  • Problem: Two classes that are overly familiar with each other’s internal details, leading to tight coupling.
  • Solution: Reduce the coupling by moving some of the responsibilities to another class or using design patterns like Mediator or Facade.

18. Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces

  • Problem: Two classes that perform similar tasks but have different interfaces, leading to confusion and inconsistency.
  • Solution: Unify the interfaces of the classes or use inheritance or an interface to standardize access.

4. Catalog of Refactoring Techniques

  • Fowler provides an extensive catalog of refactoring techniques, each explained with examples and step-by-step instructions. Key techniques include:
    • Extract Method
    • Inline Method
    • Rename Method or Variable
    • Move Method
    • Introduce Parameter Object
    • Replace Temp with Query
    • Encapsulate Field
    • Decompose Conditional
    • Replace Magic Number with Constant
    • Replace Conditional with Polymorphism

5. Refactoring Patterns and Strategies

  • Refactorings are organized into categories based on the purpose they serve, such as Composing Methods, Moving Features Between Objects, Organizing Data, Simplifying Conditional Expressions, Making Method Calls Simpler, and Dealing with Generalization.

6. Testing During Refactoring

  • Fowler emphasizes testing as essential for refactoring, advocating for automated unit tests that verify behavior before, during, and after refactoring.

7. Refactoring in an Agile Environment

  • In Agile projects, continuous refactoring is encouraged, allowing the code to evolve over time in response to changing requirements. By making it a regular practice, developers can prevent code decay.

8. Refactoring Legacy Code

  • Fowler provides strategies for handling legacy code, such as using Characterization Tests to document and understand the existing behavior of code before refactoring.

9. The Economics of Refactoring

  • Fowler argues that refactoring is a valuable investment. Cleaner code leads to better maintainability, less time spent on debugging, and a higher-quality product in the long run.


Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code is a foundational text in software development. Fowler's insights and detailed techniques are essential for any developer who aims to write clean, sustainable code that is adaptable to the ever-evolving demands of software. The book emphasizes that refactoring is an ongoing process that, when combined with strong testing practices, can dramatically improve the quality and maintainability of a codebase.
